Friday, December 16, 2011

Lego Organization

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Ah, Legos.... a fun childhood tradition that can easily get out of control.  Legos can be found all over the house or in a huge pile in your son's room.  Stepping on a stray Lego isn't fun either and can put you into a fit of rage declaring a ban on all Legos.  But wait, there are plenty of solutions to this problem.  I found a lot of ideas here.  Although that was after I came up with my own idea, which isn't very original since it was also listed among the other ideas there.  My solution works for us, and has continued to work for us since we implemented it about two months ago.  Hopefully you can find something that works for you so you can get your Lego collection under control before you get so frustrated you throw them all away.

My son's extensive Lego collection is mostly bulk Legos, but he does have some sets.  We used to keep them all in two big bins and when he wanted to play with them, he'd dump them all out on the floor.  What a mess to clean up.  And with a baby in the house, I'd worry about her finding one and choking on it.

I was looking for a way to store his Legos that didn't require them all to be dumped out in order to find what you're looking for.  I also wanted something that would be easy for him to clean up by himself.

We already had the IKEA trofast toy storage system in his room (one of my favorite things as mentioned in this post here) so that's what I used.

I divided up the different colored Legos and put each color in its own bin.  One bin didn't have as many Legos as the others, so I added a plastic storage container (the kind that you store leftover food in) and used that to house the mini figs and other little accessories.

This new system has been working out great.
And if he ever wants to display his mini figs more prominently, I am thinking of doing something like this:

which I found over on this blog here.

Here is an under the bed Lego storage idea from Daniel Sicolo Blog:

Here is a very simple solution to storing Lego kits:

Another Lego storage drawer solution found here:

And similar to what I did is found here:

And for the ultimate Lego room, check out this space here:

Anyone else have Lego storage solutions?

update:  Furniture rearranging made for a better Lego playing station found in THIS post
and for how to make a fun Lego Maze, read THIS post.

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