Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mounds Brownies and Pantry Organization

I've been making some new desserts recently.  You can read about the other things I've made HERE and HERE.  Last night for Family Home Evening, we had Mounds Brownies for dessert.

I found the recipe HERE over at Katrina's Kitchen.

And the verdict is.....

Everyone loved them.  Kevin even went back for seconds, or was that thirds?
I only had half a can of sweetened condensed milk so I halved the recipe and only put the "Mounds" topping on about half of the brownie:
Oh, and the recipe called for unsweetened coconut flakes but I only had the sweetened kind so I used that and I thought it turned out just fine.  Another dessert success!

And in case you are wondering about my pantry organization mentioned in yesterdays post HERE
I was able to work on it yesterday while the Babes took her nap,  and now it looks like this:
After lots and lots of trips from the kitchen to the basement food storage area, I finally have the sooner to expire cans in the kitchen and the rest in the basement.
 Some shelves aren't very tall and don't leave room to see what cans are all the way in the back,

Not sure how efficient this use of space it, but at least I can see what is there.  Each shelf has a certain type of can such as fruits, veggies, soups, pasta stuff.....

And here is a before and after for you.
Now getting something from the pantry is almost fun!