Thursday, March 22, 2012

Creating A Toy and Book Corner

As I mentioned in this post HERE when Sweetie Pie got injured while reading in bed, I would have to rearrange her furniture to prevent further accidents.
Here is the before:
You can see where her books were right next to her bed.
Still not sure how she hurt herself putting one away, but I've never liked this Ikea trofast storage system with all her trinkets displayed on top of it being the first thing you see when you look in her bedroom.  So of course I took this opportunity to arrange something better.

At first I thought I'd just take the smaller Ikea trofast storage unit from the Babes' room

 and put it where the larger unit was in Sweetie Pie's room:

But it just looked too small for that area.
Then I thought I'd put the toy box that is at the end of Sweetie Pie's bed, next to her bed, and both Ikea units where the toy box was at the end of her bed to create a little toy and book corner.


I like it much better this way.
Here is the completed toy and book corner:

All her toys are out of sight from the doorway view, and she has plenty of space for all her books.
As for reading in bed, I have her pick out what books she wants to read that night and place them in this little book basket next to her bed.

When she is done reading them she just puts them in the basket so she doesn't have to get out of bed at all.  Her room has been like this for about a week and I am happy to report that she hasn't suffered a single injury.

Here she is after she has read herself to sleep.

update to the book corner found HERE

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