Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy First Day of Spring

 Today is the first day of Spring.  I finally put away my winter table runner,

 and put on my spring tablecloth:
Now I just need to find a Spring centerpiece.

The weather certainly has felt Spring like too.  I am loving having our windows open.  The only problem with having your windows open is that the neighbors neighborhood can hear your screaming baby.   Yeah, the Babes has started screaming to show her excitement, her displeasure and for no reason at all.  It's not fun but at least it doesn't last long.

Besides, who could get mad at a face like that.

The Babes is loving playing outside in this nice weather too.

Once the big kids get home from school, we'll have a little Welcome Spring party.  I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow.

How are you enjoying the first day of Spring?