The next week, I was feeling a bit daring and decided it was time to try out some spinach smoothie recipes. I tried several, and discovered that it's true, you can't take the spinach at all. What a sneaky and delicious way to get veggies into our diet. The smoothie recipes I liked best were the fruity ones, where you add spinach, ice cubes, frozen/fresh/canned fruit and some liquid like water or juice.
I used my old fashioned Osterizer blender. And I do mean old fashioned. It looks like it is from the 70's when the harvest gold and avocado colors were popular. I don't leave this thing out on my counter so I don't care what it looks like as long as it works. It worked fine, although some times I have to stop it and use a long spoon to mix things up a bit. That usually happens when the smoothie is too thick and I end up adding a bit more juice to it.

This particular smoothie was made with:
frozen blueberries
strawberry yogurt
You need to blend it together till a vortex is formed in the blender like this:
You can add water or juice (I prefer orange or pineapple) to make it less thick so the vortex will form.
When it's done, you just pour into a large cup and enjoy
The Babes liked it so much, she didn't want to share.
I've been making these several times a week. I don't measure my ingredients and change it up every time depending on what we have. Here are a few varieties we like best:
ice cubes
frozen blueberries
strawberry yogurt
water or orange juice as needed to get a vortex to form in the blender
ice cubes
strawberry ice cream (didn't have yogurt on hand and this worked great)
ice cubes
peaches or pears (I liked it better with pears)

Have you made spinach smoothies?
What are some fruit/veggie combinations that you like?