Sweetie Pie turns 8 on Saturday and in our church 8 is great since that's the age she can get baptized. She has been looking forward to this day for years and is super excited. All month long I've slowly been making preparations so her day will be extra special.
One of the things we made were these centerpieces.

They were so easy to make and totally customizable to match whatever theme or color combination you are using.
I saw this photo on Pinterest HERE and thought that would be perfect for our centerpieces.
I was going to buy some flower vases but discovered I had some drinking glasses that were straight and not tapered, so I used them instead. I let Sweetie Pie pick out which type of scrapbook paper she wanted to use and to my surprise, she didn't pick pink. Instead she went with these sweet white flowers.
I cut the paper to size and set it into the glass.
I also let Sweetie Pie pick out the flowers. She choose these light pick ones which were 50% off from Hobby Lobby, for $4. I used some glass marbles I had picked up at a yard sale earlier this summer for .25.
So this project only cost me $4.25. Not bad for 4 customized centerpieces.
We added some marbles to the bottom of the vase (glass) and then put in two of the flowers. We then filled the vase with more marbles to keep the flowers in place.
And there you have it:

I'll be sharing more of our baptism preparations, so be sure to check back later this week.