Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Chores

Like I mentioned in THIS post about our daily and weekly summer schedule, the kids have responsibilities to do before they can play.

Their daily summer schedule looks like this:
get dressed
eat breakfast
brush teeth
brush hair
make bed
do one chore from chore chart
any additional chores will be paid at .25¢ each
do schoolwork: reading and math.

They can do those things in any order but if they want to play with friends, watch a movie or play a video game, they must have all their daily responsibilities done.

As for the chore chart, we use this one below which we've adapted.

(You can find similar ones on amazon HERE, or even make one yourself with a Pinterest inspired idea found HERE.)

The above chore chart is designed for toddlers in mind, but I made it fit our needs by replacing the toddler cards with our chore cards

The chores include:
clean bathroom sinks
clean bathroom floors
clean toilets
dishes (which just means to empty the dishwasher)
vacuum various rooms
sweep kitchen
mop kitchen
empty the trash cans
I also have a generic one that says 'help mom'

The kids like this system because they can see which chores are available.  I can switch out the chores as needed to  make sure the right things are getting cleaned at the right time.

They are expected to do one chore a day, however any additional chores will be paid at .25¢ each

The kids are slow to adopt the idea of making money, so additional chores aren't getting done.  Even though I promised them a trip to the store to buy whatever they want with the money they have earned over the summer.  I am hoping they will come around and want to earn money then I can give a lesson about saving, and money management too.   Maybe I need to up the amount of money they earn too.

Some of the chores are more challenging like moping the floor and folding laundry.  So the first couple of times I have to be there to assist or demonstrate but by the end of the summer they should be able to do all the chores completely on their own.

Here is the Spencinator folding laundry.  I tried to make it fun and have him learn the ninja fold to fold his t-shirts, but he didn't like the way it turned out so he does it the old fashioned way.  Have you heard of the ninja fold, click here for a you tube video of how it's done.

And here he is having fun putting his laundry away

Sweetie Pie picked some of the more difficult chores last week and my bathrooms were sparkling clean because of it.  Here she is cleaning one the bathroom floors

Our summer schedule has not only been keeping the kids busy, but it's also helping keep my house clean.
I love the summer!

As for where I hung our chore chart.  I just put it on the kitchen command center where the kids school calendars used to be

Anyone else use a chore chart?  What kind of system do you have in place?

Thanks for stopping by,