Monday, August 26, 2013

Back to School 2013

The kids started school today.  Here's the obligatory first day of school photo:

Sweetie Pie is in 3rd Grade and the Spencinator is in 5th.

 The Babes is still home with me, but that doesn't mean she can't act like she's starting school too.  Here she is with her little backpack on, ready to walk to the bus stop.

And they're off....

 And they're back...

By the smiles on their faces, I'd say their first day was a success!

When they get home from their first day, I like to have a fun after school treat.  Last year I made this yummy Cherry Angel Food Pudding dessert.  You can click HERE for the recipe.

This year, I simplified and just bought something from the store bakery.  The kids didn't care, as long as it was something sweet.

How do you celebrate the first day back to school?