Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to Get Rid of Bargain Clutter

Generally we hold onto clutter for one of 5 reasons:

1.   We just can't resist a freebie or a sale. (Bargain Clutter)

2.   We hold onto keepsakes and sentimental items because we're afraid to let them go.  (Sentimental Clutter)

3.   We like to have a lot of stuff around.  (Abundance Clutter)

4.   We think we "might need it someday."  (Aspirational Clutter)

5.   We don't know where to start!

Over the next few days, I'll be going over what we can do to overcome each type of clutter. 


We just can't resist a freebie or a sale.   We love a bargain, and once we've scored one, we think getting rid of the item is going to take away the glory of finding the bargain. 

It's easy to justify this type of clutter because, on the surface, it looks like it makes financial sense. "Hello! it's free!" you may be saying, but anything in your home is not truly free, it's taking up storage space and crowding out other items you might actually use. 

You don't just need to get rid of bargain clutter, you also have to stop it from coming in.  So, the next time you approach a sale or free item ask yourself: "Would I buy this if it wasn't on sale?" If the answer is no, then it's really not a deal, even if it's free. A good deal is only good if you're going to use or enjoy the item on a regular basis.

The same thing can be said of coupons.  If it's .50 cents off of something you wouldn't normally buy, then it's not a deal. 

How to combat Bargain Clutter: 

1.  Make and use a shopping list – stick to it.

2.  Don't use shopping as a form of entertainment (if you are on a diet you don't go to the bakery, so if you are trying to break the clutter habit, don't go to the mall or garage sales)  distract yourself with other things you enjoy.

3.  Think about why you want something, do you really need that item or piece of clothing?

4.  Wait it out.  If you see something in the store and love it, wait a few days, if you're still thinking about it, then it may be worth the purchase.

5.  Set some limits for yourself about how, why and when you buy things.

When we understand why we are holding onto clutter, it makes it easier to get rid of it.  

What Bargain Clutter do you have laying around the house that you can get rid of?

To read the rest of the series check out these posts:
3 Reasons to Get Organized
WHY we hold onto Clutter

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