Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sunshine Award!

Yesterday's Blog Hop was a success.  If you missed it, go back and check out all the great ideas/crafts/projects that were linked up - you won't be disappointed.

Moving Mommy has nominated me for the Sunshine Award.  Stop by her blog and read more about her HERE.

Sunshine Award Rules

1. Thank and recognize your nominating blogger
2. Give 11 random facts about yourself
3. Answer the 11 questions given by your nominating blogger
4. Nominate 11 bloggers (cannot be your nominating blogger)
5. Post 11 questions for your nominees

11 Facts about Me
1. Beside wanting a pony when I was a little girl, I also wanted a pet monkey.
2. My favorite season is fall, I love the beautiful colors and getting to wear warmer clothes.
3. Sweat pants and sweaters was my go to outfit in college - I've never been one for fashion.
4. I used to work for Hershey foods BC(before children)
5. I love chocolate with a side of chocolate ice cream.
6. I have a degree in biochemistry and love doing 'experiments' with my kids.
7. I have one sibling, a younger sister.
8. I've lived on the east coast my whole life.
9. I've visited several countries in Europe during a trip in High School.
10. I had never gone out west until I met my husband.
11. I love being a stay at home mom.

Questions from Moving Mommy
1. How long have you been blogging?
about 2 years
2. What is your favorite hobby?
doing fun activities/crafts/experiments with my kids
3. What is your favorite thing to write about?
kid activities and organization
4. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I live in PA and like it here.  It's close to 1/2 of our family, but if I had to choose another state, maybe Idaho so we'd be closer to the other 1/2 of our family
5. What is your ideal vacation spot?
Disney cruise ship - I've been to Disney and I've been on a cruise, it might be fun to combine them, with the kids of course
6. What is your greatest accomplishment?
my marriage and family
7. What’s worse, laundry or dishes?
dishes, I actually don't mind doing laundry
8. Do you have a TV show that you watch but don’t like to admit? Which one?
I don't watch much TV and I'm not afraid to admit what I do watch:  White Collar, Doc Martin, and Downton Abbey.
9. Sweet or salty?
Definitely sweet.  I'm a huge chocaholic.
10. What state or country if you aren’t in the US do you live in?
11. Snow, do you love it or hate it?
loved it as a kid, but hate it now that I have to drive in it.

My Nominees
1.  Binkies and Briefcases
2.  Mom by Example
3.  P is for Preschooler
4.  Smiles 'n' Snuggles
5.  Lazy Hippie Mama
6.  My Life of Travels and Adventures
7.  Day 2 Day Super Mom
8.  Home Maid Simple
9.  Mommy Mentionables
10.  Made To Be A Momma
11.  This Ole Mom

My 11 Questions to the Nominees - Moving Mommy had some great questions so I'm re-asking a bunch of hers.
1. How long have you been blogging?
2. What is your favorite hobby?
3. What is your favorite thing to write about?
4. Do you live close to family?
5. What is your favorite thing to do on vacation?
6. What is the hardest thing you've ever done?
7. What’s your favorite time of day?
8. If you could write a book, what would it be about?
9. What do you consider yourself an expert in?
10. Favorite place to visit?
11. Funniest thing you heard recently.

Thanks again to Moving Mommy for this nomination!

Last year I was nominated for the Liebster Blog Award.
You can read all about that HERE.

I would love for you to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.