Thursday, January 23, 2014

2014 "Meet Your Teacher" Primary Breakfast

The kids at our church attend Primary.  A new year means they go into a new class, and most of the time get a new teacher.

To help with this transition, we hold a "Meet Your Teacher Breakfast" at the beginning of each year.

Last year, we did an owl theme asking  "Whoooo's your new primary teacher?"  You can read all about that HERE.  We've also done the "Primary Awards" (a spin on the Academy Awards), and a dress up your teacher theme.  

This year we kept it simple and fun.  Because the 2014 Primary theme is Families Are Forever, we got together as a family and enjoyed a fun game of Pictionary.

But first we had breakfast.  The kids sat at the table with their teachers and got to know each other better.  As far as food we had:  scrambled eggs, French toast sticks and bananas.  Very simple to cook, serve and clean up.  We didn't even do any decorations other than the colorful table cloths.  

After breakfast, we went into the next section of the cultural hall and divided the kids up into junior primary and senior primary.   There were couches and a chalkboard or easel so the kids could have a fun family game of Pictionary.  Some of the teachers even played too.

The words/clues for the kids to draw included some of the teachers favorite things such as launching rockets, baseball, cats, pie....

When the kids guessed the picture, we'd announce which teacher it went with so they'd get to know even more about their teachers.  The kids had such a fun time drawing and guessing that they didn't want to stop when it was time to end.

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