As I mentioned on Friday, I've been doing a little more work on the outside of our house lately. We borrowed a pressure washer, similar to this one, from my parents to clean up this green stuff that was forming on our siding.
I did this last week while the Spencinator was at camp. It also happened to be the hottest day of the year so far with it feeling like 100 degrees plus humidity. So rather than conquer this job during the Babe's mid day nap, I decided to do it as soon as I got back from dropping the Spencinator off at camp. But before I could tackle the siding, I had to keep the girls occupied. We have a water table that's always been a big hit in the summer but was looking pretty yucky. Normally I take a Clorox wipe and give it a scrubbing, but since I had the pressure washer out, I decided to use that. Or rather, Sweetie Pie decided she wanted to be the first one to try out the new toy (the pressure washer, not the water table).
It worked so good and was so fast. It would have taken much longer to scrub it down and I'm not sure it would have been as clean.
My husband said the sidewalks were looking dirty and to pressure wash those. Since that was on the way to the 'green' siding, I started with that. I did not realize how dirty they had become. Here is a picture with part of it cleaned and the rest still in need of a pressure wash.
Just look how much whiter it looks!
Having fun with the pressure washer and showing just how dirty those sidewalks were.
Sweetie Pie couldn't let me have all the fun though. Here she is helping out, again.
Oh, it's like those commercials where they only clean one side so you can really tell the difference.
Here's a closer view.
Along with the before so you don't have to scroll all the way to the beginning of the post.
I was having so much fun, I thought what else could I pressure wash?
How about the patio?
Sorry, I was having too much fun to stop and take a before picture of the patio, but I remembered to take a 'during' picture of our tiled patio table. The tiles on the bottom are still dirty and the top tiles have been cleaned.
I didn't use anything but water. Kevin says there is something called Krud Kutter (anyone ever use it?), but I didn't get that. The pressurized water cleaned up everything. I would love to have a mini version of this for inside the house. Imagine, not having to scrub or use any kind of cleaner to get rid of soap scum, or mold growing in the shower and sink. Oh, and mopping the floors would be so easy. I'm sure it would leave a big wet mess but the floors or shower would be sparkling clean.
Well, I knew I couldn't pressure wash something inside my house, and since I was itching to see what else it could clean, I thought I'd see how it worked on this insulated lunch bag. I got this thing about 10 years ago and it works great, holds a lot so it's used often when we have to pack cold drinks for an outing or traveling. Over time it has gotten pretty gross and dirty so I thought I'd take it outside and see what the pressure washer could do. Here are some before shots:
And after:
It looks brand new. I don't think all fabric would hold up to this kind of pressure, but this bag did OK. Needless to say, I was impressed with how well it worked and how much fun I had getting things cleaned. I know what's going on my Christmas list this year.

Sorry if I this post is sounding like a commercial, it's not. I just wanted to share what we've been up to.
Anyone else pressure washing lately?
Did you find it as much fun as I did?
What all have you used it on?