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I've been wanting to make a house for Sweetie Pie's Littlest Pet Shop figures for a while. So when I saw this cute little pet shop house by Kiki from Kiki & Company, I knew I wanted to make something similar. The drawers on the bottom of this shelf are great for storing the little pet shop figures, and I love how each shelf has a different background which creates different scenes that the little pets can play in.
There was no way I was going to build my own house, so I'd have to find some type of shelf to repaint so I could create a similar look. Here's what I came up with:
Someone had built this shelf by hand and stained it a beautiful dark wood color. The dark wood color wasn't going to match Sweetie Pie's room, so after we gave the shelf a good cleaning and a light sanding, we painted it white.
I used a can of white semi-gloss paint that I had gotten for free at a yard sale earlier in the summer. It took 2-3 coats to get it looking bright white.
To add a bit of fun to it, we used a stencil to paint a design onto the roof.
Sweetie Pie wanted to add her own designs to the sides. My perfectionist self wasn't liking this idea, but it is for her so I bit my tongue while she painted each side.
In case you can't tell, she painted on some flowers.
When the shelf is hung on her wall, you can't even notice the bright pink flowers painted on the sides. Unless of course you look at it from the side, which most people won't because of the placement of the shelf in her room.
Next step was to add some designs to the back of the shelf to create different scenes for the pets to play in. Since this was looking like a house, we decided to create rooms using scrapbook paper. I just taped it all together using a white strip of paper to divide each room.
Then we let the pets make them selves at home.
Sweetie Pie loves it. And I love how it is attached to the wall and doesn't take up any floor space.
Here's a sneak peak of the new reading corner in her room. I'll post more on that later. It seems like I'm always re-doing something in her room.
I'm so pleased with how this turned out, not to mention the fact that I started and finished this whole project in a week (which can't be said for very many of my projects).
Here's one last before and after for you:

Not too bad for a $1.00 project!