Autism should come with a warning label, maybe something like THIS:
BC: Before Children, I would judge other parents if their kids we acting out, I mean can't they control their own kids? I know, I was naive and had no compassion.
AS: After Spencer, I have been humbled and look upon others with compassion and empathy because I've been in their shoes. You never know what is going on in their lives to make them act the way they do. I've stopped judging and try to help, even if it's just by giving them an understanding smile.
Having Spencer has stretched me and made me grow in ways I didn't know were possible. My shy, introverted self is forced to speak up and become an advocate for my son's needs. Thankfully I am not doing this alone. Family and friends have been there to help, and I have a very supportive husband who helps me be a better mom to my son when I think things are too hard.
Some days are better than others and there are some times in a day when I feel we are a 'normal' family without the cloud of autism hanging over us. But lately autism has been raging out of control and we're doing what we can to calm the storm. Sorry for getting so personal, but this is what we are going through right now and I just wanted to share some of my thoughts.
Anyone else battling autism? How are you handling it?