Tuesday, January 10, 2012


With the start of a new year, so many people are trying to get organized.
John and Sherry over at Young House Love are having a give away to help you organize your stuff.
And if you are like me, you have lots of stuff.  Click HERE to enter their give away.

They are giving away a set of Rubbermaid's new Bento boxes.

They come in a couple of different colors, and I am hoping to win the red to add a pop of color to my living room.  Magazines and remotes would look so cute stored in these.

I've also started doing some clearing out.  The first step to organizing is to get rid of stuff you don't need.
I was able to take two trash bags of clothes and toys to our local charity shop.  Too bad you can't tell by looking at my house.

Anyone else on the de-cluttering band wagon?  Do you have any good tips or strategies?  I've also been watching Clean House on Netflix and although my home isn't nearly as cluttered as the ones on that show, I am still inspired to clear out, clean up and organize.  Things are still pretty crazy around here dealing with the Spencinator's unsuccessful transition back to school.  Clearing out gives me a sense of control of some area of my life, even if it just a closet.