Wow, this week's gone by fast. I can't believe it's Friday already.
That means it's time for an "Inspiration For The Weekend" post. This is where I share something that has inspired me in some way. Sometimes I'm inspired to create or make something. Sometimes I'm inspired to do something or to change. I hope you'll find something that inspires you too.
I get so many great ideas from Pinterest. A while ago I had pinned this gift idea:
Lisa from the Dating Divas created this "All About You Basket" for her husband. She came up with 101 reasons she loves her husband and bought a few inexpensive gifts to represent some of the reasons. For example she bought some light bulbs for the phrase, you “light” up my life!
I originally pinned this idea as a gift idea for my husband, but quickly realized I could do this as a birthday present for my mom. You see, my mom's birthday is later this month. I won't embarrass her by stating her age, but it's a milestone. My sister and I decided that's we'd celebrate by inviting her family over for a small birthday dinner / surprise party. So that she wouldn't suspect a thing we planned the party 11 days prior to her actual birthday. I'm happy to report that everything turned out great and she was indeed surprised. It's always hard to pull one over on my mom, but this time we did it! Thanks to all who made it a success.
My gift to her was "60 Things We Love About You!"
I used Lisa's idea above and created a list (with the help of my husband and kids) of reasons why we love my mom. Then I went to the store and bought a few gifts that could coordinate with one of the reasons.
I typed up the letter and also printed out another copy which I cut into stripes to attach to each small gift.
I laid everything out on my bed to match up the gifts with the word strip.
I love that my mom is corny. For that she got a can of corn.
I got her a decorative pumpkin to represent how she made us great Halloween costumes.
She got some lotion because I love her smooth skin, and some pens because she is smart.
It really wasn't hard to come up with gift ideas for most of the reasons, I actually thought it was fun.
I gave her a light bulb because she always has great ideas.
The Quiddler game is because she likes to play games with us.
The heart lollipop is because she loves her family, and the laffy taffy candy is because she is funny.
I also got her a shirt because I love how she dresses, and some kitchen spoons because I love her cooking.
Even the yellow balloon represents something -- the fact that that she hosts good parties.
I wrapped each small gift (most were put into gift bags) and put them all into a basket.
I used a clear bag to put the entire basket in and tied it at the top with some large wired ribbon.

The gift was a huge hit. I'm glad she liked it and knows how much we love and appreciate her and all she does for us.
In case you are wondering what my kids said they loved about their grandma:
The Spencinator had me cracking up with what he said:
-She gets me what I want for Christmas and my birthday.
-She has Nerf guns which are awesome
-She cooks me food that I like, unlike my mom
-She has cool stuff, all the stuff that I like, well, most of the stuff that I like
Sweetie Pie said:
-Christmas is fun at her house
-She has yummy food
Hmmm, sounds like I need to take some cooking lessons from my mom.
Anyone else put together one of these gift baskets? I'd love to hear about it and get some more ideas.
Enjoy your weekend!