My oldest daughter turned 8 years old and has made the choice to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and be baptized a member of His church.
We had planned her baptism for Saturday September 29th. However due to a family emergency we had to postpone it until Sunday the 30th.
When we are baptized we take upon us the name of Jesus Christ, we covenant to follow him and try to do as he would do. In the scriptures it talks about what we covenant to do:
"and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God..." Mosiah 18:8-9
That is exactly what we did on Saturday, we were bearing another's burdens, comforting those that stand in need of comfort. We were helping out a family member who needed our love and support. It was a great lesson about following Christ. It is one thing to read the scriptures to your kids, or teach them the gospel principals, however, it is such a powerful lesson to actually live the gospel with your kids. When we believe in Christ and desire to do Christ's work, we want to be a part of his church. This is why we are baptized.
Sweetie Pie's baptism day was wonderful. Everything turned out great, she kept saying how happy she was.
I had this little display on the table in the front of the room.
The three pictures are of her blessing day, one in her baptism dress, and one of her in front of the Temple. It represents the poem,"My Three White Dresses" by Linda Perry Nelson (which I also had framed and displayed)
My mom bought me a white dress, not red or pink or blue.
She said it was a special dress like very other few.
There has been just one before, a dress now put away,
That I wore some time ago upon my blessing day.
As a little baby clothed in my first white dress,
My dad held me in his arms, there to name and bless.
So pure and clean was I just then, with time to grow and learn
about the Father’s plan for me. My glory I must earn.
Now I’ve reached the age to judge the wrong road from the right,
And I am here to be baptized in this dress of white.
So once again I’m free from sin. The path is clear to me.
I’ll grasp the rod and hold on tight, I vow with certainty.
Just as mud would stain my dress, sin would stain my soul.
They key is to repent or bleach, for whiteness is my goal.
And if I try my very best, then richly blessed I’ll be,
wearing inside God’s Holy house white dress number three.
So today I make this pledge: I’ll strive to choose the right,
through this sacred baptism ordinance in my second dress of white.

I had this display off to the side. This was taken after the baptism so the thank you favors were all but gone.
I had some pass along cards and article of faith cards along with a note decorated by her that said "It's so sweet of you to be a part of my special day." There were 8 Hershey kisses wrapped up with ribbon and a thank you note on the table as well. I thought having little take home sweets rather than cookies or cupcakes for the guests to eat would be simpler and less of a mess.
Sweetie Pie and I made the flower centerpieces, you can find out more about that HERE.
It was a very special day for all of us. We are thankful to our family and friends that could be a part of it.