Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Behind the Laundry Room Door

I've been wanting to add some extra hooks in the laundry room for our jackets and stuff.  The hold up was that I didn't want the hooks to stick out and hit the door when it was opened.  I also didn't want to drill holes into the wall and add hooks, I liked the look of the hooks being attached to a board of wood.  After searching online and at some stores, I finally found a solution.

The Tjusig Rack with 5 hooks from Ikea.  It sells for $9.99 and comes in black or white.  I wanted to get white since it matches the white door, trim, cabinets and our washer and dryer.  Not to mention the little laundry room gallery wall I have in there, the frames are all white too.

So now that I found the perfect hook solution, I just needed to buy it.  Well, unfortunately Ikea does not sell this on their website, and the closest Ikea is about 2 hours away.  It would be a while before I planned a trip there.  However, husband had a business meeting near Philly last week.  When he told me that, I mentioned that there is an Ikea near Philly and I've been wanting to get something at Ikea.  He mentioned that he probably wouldn't have time to stop there but still asked what it was that I wanted to buy.

Are you seeing where this is leading?  Are you thinking my sweet husband wanted to surprise me with these hooks?  Well, he really wanted to surprise me, but after being in Ikea and looking at a bunch of hook options in several different departments, he wasn't sure which one I wanted.  He called me on the phone to ask which one it was and then quickly found it.

So here they are.  The top one is the front view and the bottom one is the back view.

And here they are hung up in the laundry room right behind the door.

You can see how the hooks are flush to the wall and take up as little depth as possible.

Here they are with the door all the way open and there is still two inches of room to spare

I was a little worried that hanging coats behind the door might make the door take up more room, or not stay as open as far as we'd like it.  But that isn't the case.  Here's the door all the way open.....

...and here's our coats behind it.
In case you are wondering what the spotted thing on the bottom is, it's the Babe's Halloween costume.  You can read about how we got it HERE.

Now when the kids come home from school, they can hang their coats up here.  We have room for them in the closet but the kids found it too hard (or too much work) to hang them on hangers.   I'm hoping these new coat hooks will keep coats off the floor, the couch, the backs of chairs....

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For other great organizing ideas, check out Organizing Made Fun!  She has a 31 day series with lots of organizational tips, and a link party full of even more organizing goodness. 
31 Days of Organizing Fun