Halloween preparations continue at our house. I mentioned yesterday all the fun we had pumpkin picking and showed you the pumpkins we brought home.
Sweetie Pie was quite creative in painting her pumpkin. She made it look like a witch. The stem is painted black with an orange stripe around it to resemble a witch's hat. She even named it "Witchy".
I got somewhat creative and painted "BOO" on each side of my white pumpkin. The Spencinator opted not to paint his and just wants to have it carved. We also made some paper ghosts to be used during our trunk or treat activity tomorrow night.
I got the idea from here. I used some lightweight packing foam to make the larger ghosts thinking it would make them look more transparent and ghost-like. For the smaller ghost, I just used regular card stock.

What are you doing to get ready for Halloween?
Thanks for stopping by,