Friday, June 14, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Check out my previous posts HERE, HERE and HERE for Father's Day food ideas, photo ideas, printables, and handmade gift ideas.

Today I'm sharing what I've been working on for Father's Day.

It was a little tricky but I finally got the kids to pose for this photo for my husband.  I got the idea from HERE.

Also put together this cute food gift.  
One says "We're nuts about you PAPA!", the other one says "We're nuts about you DAD!" and has the tie on it.  Got the 'nuts' idea from HERE, and the tie idea from HERE.

I put the nuts and other gifts in this brown bag "tie" gift bag.  Another idea from Pinterest which you can find HERE.

And here's the card which is similar to the one I made for Mother's Day.  Got the idea from HERE.

I also made this super cute card for my dad.  

My kids call him PAPA.  Each letter has several pictures on it.  I pretty much printed out all the pictures of my dad with one or more of my kids.  The original idea used DAD instead but I tweaked it.  Find the original idea HERE.   To find out how I made my version, keep reading.

I used two sided scrapbook paper so there was a pattern on both sides.  I free handed the letters and cut them out so they looked like this:

The photos were printed at Walmart on a 4x6 collage.  It only cost .09¢ per sheet and I needed them to be small anyway so this was a cheap way to do it.

I attached all the letters together using some very small brads.  Then I added pictures to both sides of each letter.

Well, I think I'm all ready for Father's Day, how about you?  Anyone else doing some last minute gift preparations?

Thanks for stopping by,