Friday, January 2, 2015

Elf on the Shelf 2014

Last update for 2014.  I forgot what days I did what so I'm just posting pictures and descriptions.

She hung out with our pet butterfly.
Was literally an elf on the shelf in the kitchen cabinets.
Sharing a ride in the stroller with the baby dolls.

Above the kitchen window.
Attached to the toy bar on the baby's pack 'n play.

Sitting pretty in the play kitchen.
Watching tv and eating fruit snacks.
She said 'bye' during her final visit.

Will she be coming back next year?  I don't know.  The Babes who is 4 didn't like the fact that the elf was hanging around her toys.  The kids didn't seem to get the enjoyment out of it like they did last year, so I just might take a break.  If they ask why, I'll say she needs to visit another family this year.  That way there's always the possibility she could return to us.

More pictures of our elf in 2014
Day 10 we found her reading a favorite Christmas book.
Day 11 she was waiting to get her hair done.
She must have been hungry on day 12 because she was hiding in the cabinet next to the breakfast foods.

Day 13 she got all wrapped up with Christmas presents.
Day 14 hunger strikes again and she was caught about to eat a muffin over in the play kitchen.
Day 15 she hid out in a house made of blocks.

Last week we found her in the following spots:

Day 5 we found her helping out at the animal hospital.
Day 6 she was drinking out of my 4 yr old's Dora cup.
Day 7 she was feeling a little be country and was hanging out in a cowboy boot.

She's certainly not afraid of heights as we found her getting ready to slide down the banister on day 8.

Day 9 she was admiring the latest picture of kid #4.  I agree, he is a cutie.

Here is what she was up to two weeks ago when she first made her arrival.

Dec 1st
The first morning she was found hanging on for dear life on the kitchen lights.
She had a note for the kids which read, "I'm back.  I see there is a new member of your family.  I've hidden an ornament just for him on your Christmas tree.  Love, Lily"

The kids checked the Christmas tree and sure enough there was a new ornament with the baby's name on it.

Days 2, 3 and 4 found our elf hanging out in a stocking, riding a horse and delivering another ornament (this time for our 4 yr old).  

It's a good thing I'm up in the middle of the night nursing the baby, or else our elf might not have come this year much less change locations each night.  I'll try to do a weekly update on where our elf appears.  If you want to see what she was up to last year (the first time we did the Elf on the Shelf), you can check out THIS POST.

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