Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas recap 2014

We had a whirlwind of a Christmas.  My sister in law and her family of 6 drove 28 hours straight to spend about 2 weeks with us.  With the number of people in our house doubling,we had to get creative with hanging our stockings. 

I only had 6 stocking hangers, so to add another 6 stockings to our mantel, I used a tension rod instead.  I hung up the tension rod with 3 of the stocking hangers and then slipped each stocking onto the rod.  

It worked out well and it was nice to have everyone's stockings hanging up.  Santa certainly had his work cut out at our house.  

And speaking of Santa, doesn't the baby look so cute in his little Santa suit?  We had so many people and gifts at our house that we forgot to give our kids their 'big' gift.  About an hour after we were done opening presents, my mom called to ask how the kids liked their TRIKKE.  Whoops, it was still in the garage, we totally forgot to give it to them.  After they opened it, they were all excited to try it out, and of course my husband had to be the first to test drive it.  It was funny to watch all the kids chase Kevin down the street.  Everyone got a turn to ride it, including me.  Luckily the weather was nice and it was a good day to play outside.

We kept busy every day. One day we went to Washington DC to go to some museums, and walk the Mall.  On the way home we stopped by the LDS Temple to see the Festival of Lights and their nativity display.  The nativities were all so different.  It's interesting to see how different countries depict the birth of our Savior.

Another fun things we did was to rent out the local sports place like you would for a birthday party.  It was actually cheaper to do that than to pay for everyone to bounce and jump.

And now that the holidays are over and company is gone, it's time to get my house back in order, but first I must take care of the sickies.  It seems like we've all got some sort of cold, flu or stomach virus.  

I saw this video the other day about how even though Christmas is over, we should remember Christmas really did happen.  The birth of our Savior is real.


Hope you all had a great Christmas and are enjoying the New Year!

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