Wednesday, October 30, 2013

DIY Halloween Trophies for Trunk or Treat

This year at our church's Trunk or Treat event, the winners were awarded trophies.  Not just any old trophy, but a one of a kind, DIY, Halloween trophy.

Here is what they looked like and a tutorial on how to make them.  You could paint them any color and add any topper to make them work for whatever type of contest you are having.

I started out with some old bowling trophies.  I got these off of craigslist, someone was giving them away for free.

They were pretty dusty so I cleaned them off, and let them dry before spray painting them.

 Since this was a Halloween event, I chose to spray paint them pumpkin orange.

To hid the bowler on top, I used some foam ghosts.  I hot glued two ghost shapes together just at the edges, making sure to leave the bottom open.

The ghost shape worked out great because it was roomy enough to slip right over top the bowler.

 See, now it looks like a Halloween trophy instead of a bowling trophy.

I wrote the event on the bottom with a permanent marker.

 And voila!  Easy to make Halloween trophies.

And just look at how happy the 1st place winner is:

To find out more about her award winning trunk check out THIS post.
To find out more about this year's Trunk or Treat Activity and get more Halloween ideas, check out THIS post.

To see what we did last year check out THIS post.  For more even trunk or treat ideas, click HERE.

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