Of course I took lots of pictures, starting with what we wore.
As I mentioned in THIS post, Sweetie Pie wanted to be a Monarch butterfly. She borrowed the wings from my sister so I got out of having to DIY a pair.
The wings came with an antennae headband, so we just paired that with a sparkly and frilly black shirt, black leggings, and a black skirt to make her into a beautiful butterfly.
And I used some face paint to make her look more butterfly-ish. I just outlined in black, filled in with orange and added some orange body glitter which didn't show up in the photo.
And here she is testing out her wings.
And here is the Spencinator in his SWAT outfit.
If you remember from this post, we had a costume swap at our library and since they didn't have anything in his size, I figured this size 5/6 vest from the SWAT costume might fit even if the black shirt and pants that it came with didn't. Well, the vest did not fit and I had to cut the shoulder area and the sides to sew in more fabric. We paired the vest with a black shirt and pants he already had. The SWAT costume also came with a hat, which was ridiculously too small for him, so he wore the only cap he owns. It's gray not black, but it worked good enough for me.
The Babes was going to wear the dog costume we got at the costume swap but we had a very mild night (near 70 degrees), and I thought she'd be too hot in it. I think it's supposed to be colder on Halloween night so she'll probably wear the dog costume then. Luckily my mom had just picked up this Snow White costume at a yard sale a week or two before and it fit her perfectly. I'm not sure why she has her hands out in this picture, maybe she's practicing begging for candy.
Oh, and even I dressed up. Like the older kids, I also wore all black. I paired it with an old witch costume of Sweetie Pie's. The hat was too small but I was able to fit it on my head anyway, and I'm wearing the dress as an apron. Yeah, I tried to squeeze myself into it but I just didn't fit. So I turned the top of the dress inside the bottom skirt part and pinned the newly formed skirt onto the front of my pants.
OK, back to my cutie pies:
After the kids got dressed up and their pictures taken, we had a few more things to load into the car. The Babes must of gotten bored and was looking for some fun. And I couldn't pass up this photo op of a skateboarding Snow White.
One we got to the church it was time to decorate our car. My mother-in-law came with us and she brought her witch and cauldron she set up a few years back for her work's office decorating contest. We set that up and the kids kept asking if she was real. It was pretty creepy looking and I didn't want to scare anyone so I tried to cover up her face with her hat.
We also decorated the side of the car with some witch house cut outs, a pumpkin game and a broom crossing sign. The paper ghosts I made were hung on the car mirrors and rear windshield wiper.
There was also a 'Fresh Spider Cider' station where you could enjoy some apple cider.
Several people had games to play such as this pumpkin seed spitting contest.
This one you had to put your hand through the hole. One hole had the candy and the other had some 'brains' (wet, cooked spaghetti noodles).
And of course people decorated their trunks.
I liked this Hawaiian beach themed trunk with the "tourist-y" dad wearing his camera around his neck.
This Cat in the Hat trunk was a neat idea. Love how the mom got into costume too!
Scarecrow / autumnal decorations
I just had to take a picture of this cute little dog in his Captain America costume. By the way, his name really is Captain.
This trunk looked better in person than in the photo. It was all light up with a black light and the ghosts glowed.

It was tons of fun for everyone involved. I can't wait to do it again next year.
Update: to see how we decorated our trunk in 2013 check out THIS post - it was super easy and super cute:
Anyone else doing a trunk or treat. I'd love to see how you dressed up and decorated your cars.
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