A few years ago we painted some rocks to look like lady bugs and bumble bees and used them to play tic tac toe. They've actually held up pretty well over the years. We played with them inside and out, but I wanted to make a more permanent tic tac toe spot outdoors.
Well I finally got around to that last week. Since we've finally had some nice spring weather, I've been working in our flower beds - digging out dead bushes, weeding and mulching. I was left with an area that was bare and rather than plant something there, I thought it would be the perfect spot to play tic tac toe. I used a large square patio paver and made a tic tac toe board with chalk. To make it more permanent, I might paint the lines on, but for now this works. Here is a before and after of our new tic tac toe spot.
And if you want to see how we painted the rocks, you can check out THIS post.