I had the perfect place to put it too.

Can't you just picture it on that skinny blank wall? This is the view from the foyer when you first enter our house. On the other side of the wall is the kitchen, the door to the left goes to the basement and to the right is the living room.
However, I thought that would look odd, having just one Valentine's Day decoration. So I'd have to decorate some more. The mantel seemed like an easy thing to decorate since you can also see it from the foyer as you enter our house. See what I mean below?
A quick search on Pinterest and I decided I wanted to make THIS heart banner and some LOVE blocks similar to THESE below.
First up was making the four wooden hearts with my kids names on them. I looked at a few stores but couldn't find the large wooden hearts used to make this project, plus it was almost February when I saw the idea which left me with 2 weeks to make and display it. I didn't think that was going to happen, so rather than stress myself out, I've decided to make it for next Valentine's Day.
In fact, I'm sure I'll find more cute holiday decor to DIY when I browse Pinterest and have decided to dress up my mantel for each holiday... next year, that is. Why stress out trying to get it all done this year when I can shop the after holiday sales, and have an entire year to make my projects? In case you are wondering what's been taking up a lot of my time, well it's this little guy.
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