We've been doing the Elf on the Shelf for a few years and have even taken a break a couple of years ago. I wasn't sure we would continue the tradition, but after my daughter was asking about the elf a few weeks ago, I figured I'll bring it back out and go through the craziness of it one more time. At least I hope this is the last time. It's all worth it to see the joy on her face when she first discovered our elf's arrival on Tuesday morning. Of course this year I've made it especially easy on myself as you will find out if you keep reading.
Back in 2013 we got an Elf on the Shelf. You can read all about her adventures HERE.

I stayed up late at night after the kids went to bed and created different scenes of mischief that the elf had gotten into. The kids liked it but it was a lot of work on my part and some mornings I realized I forgot to move the elf so it created some stress too. There are so many great ideas on Pinterest but some of them are pretty intense. I kept things pretty simple and continued the Elf tradition in 2014 as well. Click HERE to read about those adventures.
Our Elf took a break in 2015, that's right, no elf came to visit us that year and no one really seemed to mind. If you are looking for ways to end your relationship with your elf, be sure to check out THIS post.
2016 was also the year with no elf and no one even cared. I think I even tried to give the elf to my sister for her little girl but she didn't want it (wise move, sis, wise move.)
In 2017 our Elf made a reappearance but this time I kept things easy on myself by waiting until the week before Christmas for her to arrive. I figured 1 week of elf antics is easier than 4. Check out last years post for what I did.

This year I wasn't planning to do the Elf on the Shelf. I figured I could get away with saying she didn't make the move. But then my 8 year old daughter asked about our elf. Would she be able to find us in our new house? Seriously, my daughter was almost in tears waiting for our elf to come. She's not sure she believes in Santa, but she believes in this elf. How could I disappoint her? So our elf is making it's 1 week appearance again. And this time, it's even easier for me.
You see, already on day 1 I forgot to put the elf somewhere. I forgot to do it after the kids went to bed, and since my 4 year old woke up early I didn't have time to drag the elf out of the basement and hide it somewhere in the house. Actually I hadn't even thought of where I was going to stash her so having some extra time worked to my favor. I had to wait until all the kids were in school (luckily my 4 year old goes to half day pre-K) so I'd have the house to myself for a little bit.
Since it was my daughter who really wanted the elf, I decided to put it in her room, hanging from her window. There was also a note on her bed and a candy cane pen. The note said something like, "Sorry I'm late but you moved!"..and... "try to find me everyday after school".
Yeah, that's right, no more late night or early morning elf hiding. I'm going to move her while my kids are in school. And my daughter has made it even easier on my by making presents for the elf, including a little bed. So where did the elf end up to day?
That's right, in this cute little bed my daughter set up in the closet. She even put steps for the elf to get to the bed since the bed is kind of high. My daughter showed me the bed she was making for the elf yesterday, but when I went to put the elf on the bed this afternoon, I couldn't find it. The bed was in the closet and the closet was booby trapped closed. Well, her sneaky elf got around that and tucked herself in bed. Then I reset the booby trap on the closet door and can't wait to see my daughter's reaction when she gets home from school
I don't know who's having more fun with this elf thing, me or her? I'm almost sad it's only going to last a week. Of course we are also only on day 2. I might be done by day 4. Ha!
Anyone else doing the Elf on the Shelf? How have you made it easy on yourself? I'll need some ideas just in case I have to do this again next year. I'm kind of glad my 4 year old never caught on to this trend so I don't think he'll mind when our elf never returns.
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